April 2018

The Toy Library

Sawyers Valley assisted the Mundaring Toy Library with their open day.  The kids had a great time playing with the toys, bouncy castle and fire truck.

Photo courtesy of The Mundaring Toy Library.


One of our firefighters Elton, helping out with the firetrailer.

Ken Wyatt visits our station and firewood raffle

Ken Wyatt MP, Federal Member for Hasluck, Minister for Aged Care and Minister for Indigenous Health visited the station and fundraiser. Thank you for taking the time to visit us Ken, we appreciate the support.

Lovely shot of the brigade with Ken. [Photo courtesy of Ken Wyatt's Facebook page]


Andrew, Dave, Andy and Ben selling tickets. [left photo courtesy of Ken Wyatt's Facebook page]

Thank you to the community for supporting our firewood raffle fundraiser, it is most appreciated.